Thursday, February 10, 2011

Snowman Day 2011

I was starting to think it wasn't going to happen!  We'd planned on doing Snowman Day with Tristan and Sharee, but after being stuck apart for a week during the storm and then some sickness, we ended up just deciding to do it separately...bummer.  We'll get 'em next year though ;).

So here's a look at our 3rd Annual Snowman was a DOOSIE!!!

The girls woke up to a fun Snowman game..."Toss the snowball in the Snowman".  They loved it and spent just enough time playing that I could fix them a very Snowman-ish breakfast ;).

Milk snowmen, donut snowmen and bagel snowmen with chocolate chip eyes & mouths, sprinkle noses and fruit roll up scarfs.  Oh, and coconut snow ;).

Next we got busy...

Em used her "snowball stickers" to put as many on as the # on the are her #2 and #16 cards.  Pretty good!  She did get a little bored with it after several, though, and decided to head back to the snowman toss.  HK didn't have to match up her #s just yet, but she had fun just pealing and sticking.

We had more fun with the tummy-less snowman by pretending he ate the girls.  They LOVED this and did it over and over as I would warn them to stay far away from that snowman cause he'd gobble them up...of course they kept running back for more ;).

Then Emerson modified it a bit and decided to throw the cotton-snowballs into buckets.  She's always full of good ideas!

What was Lincoln doing during all this snowman fun??  He was busy practicing sitting up and grabbing toys!  He got pretty pumped about holding this little rattle for quite some time ;).

Next we used our cottonball snowballs to glue our very own snowmen!!  They were both very proud of their work and Em did a great job helping her little sister put all the pieces on just so.

Hayden had fun playing with the "winter box" and liked showing us all the stuff she found.

While I was feeding brother, the girls did this "Mixed Up Snowman" activity.  I gave them each a baggie with all the mixed up snowman parts...marshmallow bodies, sprinkle noses, jr. mint hats, chocolate chip eyes, fruit roll up scarves and pretzel arms.  They sorted them into the (well-used) muffin tins and then took turns drawing cards to see what parts they could eat.  Of course they loved this one ;).

And just because God is so awesome that He prepared SNOW for our snowman day, we spent more time playing with it in the sink.  They spent so long doing this (plus brother was napping) that I really got to spend a lot of time on their snowman lunches...SO fun!

Banana snowman on a stick:  banana body, fruit roll up scarf, chocolate chip eyes & mouth, sprinkle nose, pretzel arms and a cheese & grape hat.
PBJ snowman: PBJ body, fruit bar hat, craisin eyes & buttons, carrot nose, pretzel arms and cheese mouth.
Veggie snowman:  carrot body, pea buttons, corn eyes and green bean arms

After lunch, we did one more little activity with our marshmallow snowballs...we sorted them by size.  Small, smaller and smallest.  When I found those GIANT marshmallows at Walmart the other day, I just knew we'd have to do this.  It was a great one for Hayden and she really loved it!!  Plus I let them eat a giant one when we were done...until they both decided their tummies were starting to feel a little sick ;).  And I don't doubt it because they had eaten a LOT of junk already!!

Almost was my view as I read them a bunch of snowman books.  Is that precious or what!?  I'm afraid Lincoln is already following in their "Lovie-loving" footsteps ;).

After nap it was time for....another snack of course!!  (Seriously, I don't know how they didn't get sick eating about a million marshmallows today!).  I found this one here and knew we HAD to do it.  Here is our RoweCrew snow family!!

And the rest of the afternoon was a bit of a blur.  Our always-super-easy Lincoln picked Snowman Day to be one of his toughest afternoons :(.  So while I was busy trying to keep him happy, my sweet little ladies carried on in great fashion!!  I had pulled out last year's flannel snowman and they had a ball.  But the best part...Em totally took pictures of each one they built.  She said they wanted me to be able to see them.  Oh. My. Word.  I mean, really?  I have been letting her use my camera some lately, just for fun, but wow.  Think I'm a bit too camera-happy around them!?  (I thought about cropping them a bit, but left them just like she did took them...great job!).

They also spent some time playing with the snowman puzzle and blocks that we made over the past couple of years.  Hayden seemed to like them okay, but a certain big sister kept wanting to show her how to do it "better" and she did not appreciate the help ;).

We finally got Lincoln to nap a bit so I could make our traditional "Oh no, the snowman melted Potato Soup" for dinner and it was a hit for most of us...especially when we let the girlies slurp it up with their snowman straws ;).  We skipped the snowman sundaes for dessert because, really, I couldn't bear to give them any more sugar today.  We'll do that another day.

And what better way to end our day that with a good 'ole fashioned {cotton} Snowball Fight!?!  I think you can tell how much we all enjoyed that one ;).

So that's it.  Snowman Day 2011.  It was fun and I was exhausted by the end of the day!!  Not to mention the fact that I never made it out of my jammies, our kitchen was a DISASTER from all the special snacks and there were snowmen all over the house.  But if you ask the kiddos, snowman fun was totally worth it ;).