...that's what little GIRLS are made of!!!

Our appointment was at 11:30 this morning and was wonderful! All three of us got to be there to watch the sonogram and see every little bit of the baby's body...except the "money shot". We asked our sono lady to keep that part a surprise, but to write it down on a piece of paper and seal it up in an envelop (we did this with Emerson as well). We could all hardly stand it, but loved having a little more suspense. And the baby was SUPER busy during our appointment...we saw her give me quite a few kicks and punches! When we left, Scott took the envelop with him in his car so Emerson and I wouldn't peek :o). It was a long afternoon, but we kept ourselves busy! When daddy was done with work, we all went to Gymboree to pick out two outfits...one little girl outfit and one little boy outfit. We actually ended up with some pink onesies and blue onesies because that's what Em liked best :o). We gave the cashier our envelop, asked her to look inside and wrap up the onesies that matched what it said. She thought this was fun! We took our special present to dinner and let Emerson do the honors. We had wanted a way to include her in "finding out" and thought this would be the perfect way. So what did she pull out??? These precious little PINK onesies for her new baby SISTER!!!

We really couldn't be more excited. After having one daughter, I can't think of a better gift than to have two! And Scott is just in more trouble than he already was!!! Now comes the task of picking out a name and decorating a big girl room and nursery...SO fun! Our goal is to actually pick out a name before the day she arrives...ha!
To my precious baby GIRL,
Your daddy and I have loved you from the minute we knew you were coming. We have so enjoyed praying for you, talking about you and imagining what you'll be like! Now we can start calling you "she" and "her" and will hopefully pick out a name very soon. We can't wait to meet you and see what God has in store for your precious little life. I love you, baby girl!

And a "night-night kiss" for baby SISTER!