Scott is polishing his shotgun to keep the boys away and
Jessica is out shopping for clothes already.
We went to the doctor today and had our sonogram...it was SO much fun! They let us bring a videotape so we have footage of it all. We'll spare you for now, but if you come over, no promises :o)! It was so fun looking at all the different parts of her body, but we did tell the sono lady that we wanted to keep the gender a secret for just a while longer. She wrote it down on a piece of paper and sealed it up for us. This evening, we went into the room that will be the nursery, said a little prayer and opened it up..."It's a Girl" were the words we saw! We were both a little stunned and it's still sinking in but we are just thrilled!!! We celebrated with dinner at Cheesecake Factory and each bought her one outift. SO fun to know we are having a sweet baby GIRL!!!
Stay tuned for more updates.