On Friday, Gebo's work had a "Grandparent Day" celebration at the office, so we were invited to go. You see, all four of the people in daddy's office had their first grandbabies last year all within the year...that's cause for celebration! I had a great time playing with Kyler, Wyatt and Connor and loved being the only girl:o). The best part is, three out of the four mommies are pregnant again (and the fourth is trying) so I'm sure we'll get together again soon! Thanks for letting me visit you at work, Gebo!!! I loved "Grandparent Day".

The rest of the weekend was spent playing, swimming a TON, shopping and just having a great time. We forgot to take many pics, but here are a few. Mommy can't believe there are none of Gebo...we'll have to make sure he doesn't hide from the camera next time :o).

Swimming is FUN!!!

I love my turtle floatie.

More turtle fun.

Gigi takes me for a spin.

I love splashing daddy in the face. And check out his golfer's tan!