Wednesday, November 28, 2007

This just in.....

...I'm officially a toddler now!!! I decided that today was the day I wanted to start walking, so that's just what I did. They all kept trying to help me get there, but I needed to be good and ready. So I picked today. It all started this morning when I decided that it was a good enough day to work on my balance. When mommy stood me up on the kitchen floor this morning like she always does, I decided not to fall to my bottom. I just stood there. Longer than I ever had. And I liked it. So, I just kept doing that all day. Good times. Then after my nap, mommy thought she would just see if I might walk to her. Boy, was I about to give her a surprise! It was so funny to see the shock on her face as I just reached out and took two giant steps right to her! She was WAY overboard excited but hey, I like praise just as much as the next guy, so then I took THREE steps. She about died. We called daddy. I was having so much fun showing off my new trick that at one point, I took a whole TEN steps toward mommy. It was really fun, but pretty exhausting. When daddy got home, I was pretty tired from all the practice today, but he did get to see me take about five steps. Of course, I perked right up when they got out the ice cream as a bribe, um I mean incentive :o)! Watch I come!