Yeeeeeeeeeee-Haw! That's what I learned at the Rodeo on Friday night :o) Daddy and mommy and I moseyed on down to the Mesquite Rodeo for some good 'ole family fun! I can't even begin to tell you how much fun I had! From the minute we got there, I could tell we were going to have a blast. First, I got to go on a real-live pony ride! I didn't catch my pony's name, but boy could he move. When we took off, mommy was practically running just to keep up with him. Daddy was laughing so hard at us :o) After that, we headed in to the main event! I saw SO many pretty horses and got really excited! Then, the cowboys took turns riding on some really big cows called bulls. It looked kinda scary to me, but I couldn't tear my eyes away. My very favorite part was the "Mutton Bustin"...a bunch of little kids got to take turns riding on sheep to see who could stay on the longest. Hilarous! Oh, and mommy and daddy let me try some popcorn too...I definitely loved that stuff :o) Anyway, the Rodeo was VERY fun and I can't wait to go back! Ride 'em Cowboy!!!

Ready for the rodeo in my cowgirl boots :o)

My first pony ride!

Hold on tight, mommy....this horsie is going fast!!!

How fun :o)

Daddy and I love to watch the horsies!

This is SO exciting!!!

Go cowboy Go!

Whew, what a night!