So, our 3rd "FFFN" (Family Fun Friday Night) was a hit! We headed over to the Berkner vs. Jesuit game. It was my first high school football game and I loved it! Mommy and daddy say that is a good thing, because they are both big fans as well. Since we don't really know any of the kiddos on our town's team, we have adopted the Berkner Rams as our own! Mommy and daddy taught 7th/8th grade Sunday School with the head coach and his wife, so we love to cheer them on! As soon as we got there, Miss Shawn grabbed me from mommy and I entertained her and a bunch of other people around us the whole night! Even though it was WAY past my bedtime, I was a trooper. My favorite part of the game was watching the bands at half-time. Thanks for letting us come Ledfords! We love you guys! (Sorry the pictures are so dark).
Me and mommy in our Ram Green!
After getting to bed late on Friday night, mommy and daddy dragged my sleepy self out of bed at 6:45 on Saturday morning to go downtown for the American Heart Association HeartWalk...I was not so happy! But after a little breakfast, I got happy :o) What a exciting much to see! So much in fact, that I totally skipped my nap just to watch all the people around me :o) We walked with some other people from daddy's work and had a great time. Plus, I got a balloon, so what could be better!?!

Now, onto the best part of Saturday...VERY big best-friend, Kennedy's 1st Birthday!!! Yay Kennedy! We got to go over to her house to celebrate with presents, cake and lots of family. Kennedy looked SO adorable in her pink birthday dress and even let me play with some of her new toys :o) I just love her so! I did get a little jealous when she got to dig into her yummy looking cake, but mommy says my turn is coming soon enough! Happy Birthday Kennedy!

Happy family...Happy Birthday!

Yummy cake!

To my friends, Ava and Noah...I'm so sorry I didn't make it to your birthday parties on Saturday too, but missing my morning nap make me a little grumpy and mommy and daddy made me go home for a nap. I hope you both had FABULOUS parties and Happy Birthday to you!!!
When I got up from my nap on Saturday (2 and 1/2 hours later) guess who was here?!? Gigi and Granddaddy Carlisle! They said they had just been missing me too much so they came to visit. How fun! I got to show them some of my new tricks and was a complete HAM at dinner! We forgot to take any pictures though. Thanks for the little visit guys!
We actually had a pretty busy Sunday planned as well, but mommy and daddy couldn't take it! Wimps :o) They both woke up with major colds, so I let them rest a bit. I hope they feel better soon...AND I hope they don't give it to me :o)
Whew, I'm tired! I'll catch you later.