What a fun week! Me, mommy, Gigi and Grandmother Carlisle all drove out to the Panhandle this week to see Meme, Granddaddy Street and lots of other family in Kress. We had the best time!!! Mommy was so excited for me to get to see where she had made so many sweet memories growing up :o) Kress is a little town where Gigi and Granddaddy Carlisle both grew up, so they wanted to show me off to all the people around there. In fact, Meme said that our little visit will probably make the newspaper...can you believe that?!? I can't wait to see it :o)
You wouldn't believe what a good little traveler I was! I made the six hour drive there and back like a trooper....we only had to pull out my PraiseBaby DVD once on the way there and once on the way back. The rest of the time I just played and read books and talked to everybody.
While we were there, I got to see TONS of family. Meme made a "Thanksgiving-style" feast one night and everyone came over to visit. They all just loved playing with me and kept saying how lucky mommy and daddy are that I'm such a wonderful baby :o) We even got to drive over to Hereford one day and meet even more family. I tell you what, I'm a travelin' fool! The rest of the time we just hung out a Meme and Granddaddy's house and played, played, played.
Thanks so much for letting us visit, Meme and Granddaddy! I loved being in Kress and I loved visiting my family! We can't wait to come back and promise to bring daddy next time (we missed him too much!)

Kisses from Meme and Granddaddy - they love me so :o)

Reading with Meme - we had so much fun playing together!

I just loved my Granddaddy Street and he loved me :0)

Uncle Johnny and Uncle Kelly - they're so silly!

Aunt Kathy was stealing my kisses :o)

I had Aunt Kim wrapped around my little finger and she helped me go walking a lot!

Sweet cousin JuLea! Isn't she so pretty!?! She and her mommy look so much alike!

Here I am sitting on the step like a "big girl"!

And here I am taking on the step. Mommy wasn't sure what I'd do with that step, but I just went right up and down it with no hesitation at all :o)

Meme and Gigi played "beauty shop" with me one morning...check out that little curl on my head :o) Don't they look so proud of their work!?!
Here I am with baby Kegan in Hereford. He is about six months old and I was REALLY interested in him :o)
Pancakes!!! This picture is for daddy :o) He LOVES Meme's pancakes and told me I better not eat any without him there, but I just couldn't resist! I think you can tell from the picture that I'm as big of a fan as daddy :o)