I love this Birthday thing, well Half-Birthday actually, but that still totally counts :o)
Today I turned six months old - can you even believe it? Seems like life is just flying by! So, me and mommy and daddy celebrated a bit. We had a Half-Birthday party!
Since it's just my Half-Birthday, mommy and daddy did "half" of everything. First, they gave me a half invitation to the party, decorated half of my room, put on half party hats and we partied away!
Next came the presents. Daddy gave me "half presents" like only half of an outfit, half of a puzzle, half of a new sippy cup and half of my new golf clubs. I was starting to think he was really silly until mommy gave me the other half of all the presents :o) How fun!
Then, they sang the half-birthday song to me:
"Halfy Birthday to you,
Halfy Birthday to you,
Halfy Birthday dear Emmy
Halfy Birthday to you!"
And we saved the best for last...carrots! I know what you are thinking....carrots, really? See, mommy said no cake just yet, but I did get to start eating vegetables today. So, I got half a jar of carrots and I seriously loved that stuff :o)
What a wonderful Half-Birthday! Here are some pictures from our party :o)
Today I turned six months old - can you even believe it? Seems like life is just flying by! So, me and mommy and daddy celebrated a bit. We had a Half-Birthday party!
Since it's just my Half-Birthday, mommy and daddy did "half" of everything. First, they gave me a half invitation to the party, decorated half of my room, put on half party hats and we partied away!
Next came the presents. Daddy gave me "half presents" like only half of an outfit, half of a puzzle, half of a new sippy cup and half of my new golf clubs. I was starting to think he was really silly until mommy gave me the other half of all the presents :o) How fun!
Then, they sang the half-birthday song to me:
"Halfy Birthday to you,
Halfy Birthday to you,
Halfy Birthday dear Emmy
Halfy Birthday to you!"
And we saved the best for last...carrots! I know what you are thinking....carrots, really? See, mommy said no cake just yet, but I did get to start eating vegetables today. So, I got half a jar of carrots and I seriously loved that stuff :o)
What a wonderful Half-Birthday! Here are some pictures from our party :o)

Mommy helps me open some golf balls...

A new puzzle from mommy....
...And the puzzle pieces from daddy :o)
