On Friday, me and mommy and Lair had a super fun day while daddy was at work (we missed you, daddy). We played around the house in the morning, ate a yummy lunch at La Madeleine, and did quite a bit of shopping in the afternoon. Lair helped me pick out a new bow and helped mommy pick out some sunglasses and shoes. (Mommy says we miss having Lair in Dallas because we need her help to pick out cute accessories). We also met up with another friend, Michelle, and looked around at the outlets. Don't worry daddy, we didn't buy anything there :o)! After all that shopping, we were all pretty worn out so we headed home to just hang out. Mommy and Lair's friend, Sharee, came over to visit us that evening. We all had so much fun talking and playing. And, I heard a TON of Chi Omega and Baylor stories. I hope I have as good of friends as mommy some day!
Here I am in one of my new outfits and the bow Lair picked out for me!
All of us
On Saturday, daddy got to play golf so I was off with mommy and Lair again. We had lunch with their friend, Jackie. I had fun getting to meet her and talk about the baby in her tummy :o)! That baby will be here next year, right around my birthday - pretty good timing if you ask me. Then, another first for me...we went to get pedicures! How fun! Mommy said I was too little to get my toes painted this time, but I sure did have fun watching them and entertaining the ladies around us. I think I could get used to that...ha! (Sorry we forgot to take pictures of that!) After we were done, mommy and daddy and Lair all had to get ready for their friends' wedding. Since they were all going to the wedding, I got to go play at my cousins' house. Mayce and Bryce were so sweet to share all their toys with me and entertain me! I even got to eat my bottle over there and go to sleep...I though it was my first sleep-over. But next thing I knew, mommy and daddy picked me up and took me home. Oh well. Thanks for letting me stay with you guys!
Today, we got up a little late for church...apparently, someone just decided to change the time and it mixed us all up a little. Anyway, we did make it and mommy and daddy taught the 2 year olds while I was in the nursery. We all had a great time. After church, we all had a pretty much lazy day since the weekend was so busy. The only one that did anything was daddy - he hung a new shade in my room since it is now still light outside at my bedtime. Thank you daddy! I'm sure it will be great to have a dark room and will help me fall right to sleep. Speaking of...I'm absolutely exhausted so I'm headed off to bed. Talk to you soon!