Tuesday, March 13, 2007

4 month check-up

Well, I managed to postpone the inevitible for about two weeks, (since I was sick on my real 4 month birthday) but today it happened. I had to get another round of shots - OUCHIE! Mommy and I went for my 4 month appointment, which was pretty good overall. A new nurse was the one to come get me, but my "regular" nurse poked her head in just to say hi to me - she really likes me! Anyway, it looks like I'm still a pretty little thing but hey, good things come in small packages :o)! Here are my stats:

weight - 12 lbs 7 oz (20th %ile)
length - 24 3/4 in (50th %ile)
head - 40 cm (15th %ile)

So then, the dr. came in and talked to mommy for a while and then looked all over me. He said I was developing (whatever that means) just great and looked like a happy heathly little girl! So, no problems there. But then it happened, two sweet little 'ole nurses came in with four not so little needles and poked them right into my legs. OUCHIE!!! At least mommy was there to hold me right after it was over and I got some way cute "My little pony" bandaids to cover up the hurts. I didn't like those shots so much this time - it took me a little longer to calm down than last time. Luckily, daddy called about then to tell mommy he wanted to meet us for dinner. I love going to dinner - so much to see, so much to do... So, we had a tasty little dinner and I slowly forgot about my ouchies - until just now. Yuck. I better go get some more hugs and loves from mommy and daddy to help me feel better!

I still had a few tears here just thinking about those shots!

Way cute "My little pony" bandaids

Daddy makes it all better!