This month is by far my favorite so far! That's what mommy and daddy are saying too. I've really grown up a lot this month and have so many new tricks! Here are some of the things I've been up to this month:
Things I like - my puppy Tatum, my new "lovie" blanket, splashing in the tub, rolling over, my toys, my friends, Priase Baby, reading books, the Arboretum
Things I don't like - people rocking me to sleep, sleeping in the nursery at church :o(
Things that make me giggle - mommy and daddy acting silly, Tatum, singing songs with mommy (my favorite is "Pharoh, Pharoh"), playing airplane with daddy
- Moved into the "big" tub for bathtime. Lots more room and I love it! I can even splash mommy and daddy and get water on the floor :o)
- Look from the left page to the right page when mommy and daddy read to me! My favorite book right now is "Goodnight Moon".
- Started playing with my voice a LOT and my favorite noise to make is a gasping sound. Feels good in my throat! Mommy says I also make all my bilabials (the sounds made with two lips) like b, p, m and my labiodentals (the sounds make with teeth and lips) like f, v. Thay are fun to make!
- Started really liking to be around mommy and daddy most and I'm sometimes not as happy around other folks - sorry people!
- Got to play at Bryce and Mayce's house
- Did fine with the time change - just got up late a few days.
- Met my new friends, Pierce and Avery - such cuties!
- LOVE sucking on my bottom lip - mommy and daddy think it looks so funny!
- Started taking my paci out of my mouth and playing with it...only problem is that I can't seem to get it back in my mouth right which makes me mad!
- Only took 4 feedings for a few days and was fine with it...just too sleepy to eat
- Gigi came to take care of my one Friday so mommy could work an extra day - we had the BEST time!
- Got to see my Gigi and Granddaddy Carlisle and Uncle Jim and Aunt Traci
- Started trying to pull my knees up under myself like I'm thinking about crawling!
- Started making "shooies" (as we like to call them) only once a day on most days! Mommy and daddy are REALLY excited about that!
- Learned to roll over from my back to my front!
- Don't need to be swaddled at all anymore - I'm so big!
- Decided I DON'T like how lemons taste thanks to my daddy!
- Started becoming REALLY destractible during feedings
- Started helping people giving me bottles by holding on :o)
- Had to take the bumper out of my crib because I move around a LOT during the night and it scares mommy and daddy that I'll get stuck under it :o(
- Stopped liking being rocked to sleep. Now, I just like to be put down and left alone :o(
- Started taking longer daytime naps AND stopped taking my evening nap!
Things I like - my puppy Tatum, my new "lovie" blanket, splashing in the tub, rolling over, my toys, my friends, Priase Baby, reading books, the Arboretum
Things I don't like - people rocking me to sleep, sleeping in the nursery at church :o(
Things that make me giggle - mommy and daddy acting silly, Tatum, singing songs with mommy (my favorite is "Pharoh, Pharoh"), playing airplane with daddy
- Moved into the "big" tub for bathtime. Lots more room and I love it! I can even splash mommy and daddy and get water on the floor :o)
- Look from the left page to the right page when mommy and daddy read to me! My favorite book right now is "Goodnight Moon".
- Started playing with my voice a LOT and my favorite noise to make is a gasping sound. Feels good in my throat! Mommy says I also make all my bilabials (the sounds made with two lips) like b, p, m and my labiodentals (the sounds make with teeth and lips) like f, v. Thay are fun to make!
- Started really liking to be around mommy and daddy most and I'm sometimes not as happy around other folks - sorry people!
- Got to play at Bryce and Mayce's house
- Did fine with the time change - just got up late a few days.
- Met my new friends, Pierce and Avery - such cuties!
- LOVE sucking on my bottom lip - mommy and daddy think it looks so funny!
- Started taking my paci out of my mouth and playing with it...only problem is that I can't seem to get it back in my mouth right which makes me mad!
- Only took 4 feedings for a few days and was fine with it...just too sleepy to eat
- Gigi came to take care of my one Friday so mommy could work an extra day - we had the BEST time!
- Got to see my Gigi and Granddaddy Carlisle and Uncle Jim and Aunt Traci
- Started trying to pull my knees up under myself like I'm thinking about crawling!
- Started making "shooies" (as we like to call them) only once a day on most days! Mommy and daddy are REALLY excited about that!
- Learned to roll over from my back to my front!
- Don't need to be swaddled at all anymore - I'm so big!
- Decided I DON'T like how lemons taste thanks to my daddy!
- Started becoming REALLY destractible during feedings
- Started helping people giving me bottles by holding on :o)
- Had to take the bumper out of my crib because I move around a LOT during the night and it scares mommy and daddy that I'll get stuck under it :o(
- Stopped liking being rocked to sleep. Now, I just like to be put down and left alone :o(
- Started taking longer daytime naps AND stopped taking my evening nap!