Monday, November 06, 2006


Well, I finally wrangled the computer away from my daughter for a minute :o). I have to say, this mom thing is WAY more wonderful than I could have even imagined. Emerson is simply incredible and I just can't get enough of her. I feel so extremely blessed! We spend time feeding, doing "tummy time", reading some of our books (we LOVE the Bible for Babies), singing, making faces, swinging and just hanging out. She loves to ride around in the sling too, so I can actually get some things done around here.

Today was pretty sad because her dad had to go back to work and we REALLY missed him! But, we know someone around here has to work so we'll be as supportive as possible. She sent him an email this morning to wish him a good first day back :o).

I was listening to one of my favorite CDs today and God revealed something new to me. It was always one of my favorite songs on the CD, but now I have another perspective to concentrate on. Praise God for this little girl!
Here are the words to the chorus (I just changed all the "thems" to "her"):

Let her hear You through me, and let Your words be mine.
Let her see that Your love is the reason I'm inspired.
And when given the choice, may she recognize your voice.
Let her hear You through me, oh Lord.