First day home - Here are daddy and Emmy just hanging out and Emmy getting in a quick nap with mommy.

First bath - As you can see, we were not a fan. Daddy did a great job, but it's just no fun being cold. Now that our belly button "stump" has fallen off, we can get all the way in the water and we're liking bath time much more!

First Baylor game - Can you believe she's already working on her "Sic 'Em"?
First walk - Here's Emmy in her new ride. She really seemed to like it and mommy LOVED it because she was really ready to get out of the house!
First naps - Here's Emmy taking her first naps with mommy and daddy. How cute!
First car ride - Here we are going home from the hospital.
First week portraits - Ahh, mommy's favorites! It took us forever to find a cute preemie outfit for her pictures (she's just tiny). We had these made at Babies 'R Us and they turned out great. Doesn't she just look like an angel? Don't worry grandparents, you have your own copies on the way.