Sunday, February 06, 2011


This week has been SO crazy! God decided to dump a big 'ole ice storm on us early in the week and followed it up with a snow storm on Friday. And after a week of being stuck indoors with a wintery-ice storm, we were all so excited to get out there and play!!  Well...that's not entirely true.  Hayden was very excited about it UNTIL we started putting on our snow gear.  She cannot stand wearing hats and was putting up a huge fight.  I basically just held it on her head, told her she at least had to try going out and carried her out kicking and screaming.  She was mad.  But she also has the sweetest daddy ever and he immediately got her excited about the snowman that he and Em were busy building!!  And after only a few (not torturous) minutes she exclaimed, "this is fun!".  So we were good.  She ended up having SO much fun!!

Emerson made good on her promise to throw snowballs at mom and dad, make lots of snow angels and make a snowman.  She was in snow heaven!!  I LOVED watching the joy all over her sweet self ;).

And don't forget brother!!  We knew it was a little too chilly for him out there, but we bundled him up and had fun dressing him up in all his great hats from Sharee & Tristan and my Aunt Kim & cousin JuLea.  Isn't he PRECIOUS!?!