Friday, November 05, 2010
Party in your PJs!!
Two birthdays within one week + one VERY pregnant mommy + just moving to a new house = two sisters sharing one birthday party!!
And we all had the best time!! I knew several months ago that we would definitely only be having one birthday party for the girls this year, and that might have even been pushing it a bit ;). But we planned ahead, had help from our precious friends and I had to be okay with not going all out like I usually do ;).
Emerson had asked for a surprise party, so we had to come up with a way to make that happen. Hayden didn’t seem to have an opinion, but I do know that that girl loves to eat! So I borrowed the “breakfast party” idea I got from my friend, Leslie, Sharee helped me with the invites and we got to party-ing!
Scott figured out someway to get the girls out of the house that morning so we could give them a big surprise! And boy, did it work! Em came in SO excited!!! Hayden was a little bit more timid, but got VERY excited when she saw her buddy, Tristan!
We got right to the birthday cake part because they were the stars of our breakfast!! Hayden had a big “2” donut hole cake and Emerson had a big “4” donut cake!! They watched and listened as their friends sang “Happy Birthday” and then blew out all their candles.
Then it was time for some breakfast!! We had the girls favorites…cereal, donuts and fruit to snack on and all the kiddos just piled on our quilts in the living room. It was so cute.
After they ate, we had a fun little area set up to make Fruit-Loop necklaces or Sprinkled Donuts OR the “Breakfast CafĂ©” area set up with a bunch of little kitchens. The kiddos just played in their jammies as the mommies got to visit and it was such a fun morning!
We’re so thankful for all our sweet friends and for their sweet hearts. Probably my favorite part of this “PJ Party” was that all of our friends brought one pair of jammies that we were able to donate to some kiddos that really need them!! And I loved being able to watch my girls learn that giving really is better than receiving…even on your birthday! To thank our friends for coming, we sent them home with some stuff to have a breakfast party of their own ;).