We SO enjoyed our beach vacation with the Currys and Kreys!! What special friends they are for us and our kids! The Krey's twins, Elliott and Oliver are about 3 months older than Emerson, and the Curry's little girl, Emma, is only 7 weeks younger. Plus our sweet little Hayden that just watched them all with wide eyes. Needless to say, they all had a great time...and TOTALLY cracked us up too! Of course, the parents had a pretty great time too! We really hope there will be many more trips down the years. (And we promise no more drama, guys ;))
DAY 1 - July 3rd
Travel day. The Currys had come to stay with us the night before (from Tulsa) so we were caravaning with them. We actually made pretty good time and arrived in Galveston by mid-afternoon. ALL of our kids were so excited to see the beach and loved getting to drive by on the way. When we got there, we were very excited about the condo...even better than we had imagined!! We caught up with the Kreys, took in the beautiful views and played around the condo while the guys made a grocery run. Kathy and Conner made the most delicious grilled salmon sandwiches for dinner...wow! Defintely set the coastal mood ;). We got the kiddos in bed and the parents played a little game of Settlers of Catan...way fun, but really confusing to me at first!

DAY 2 - July 4th...see "4th" post.
DAY 3 - July 5th
Today we decided to try out the condo's club/pool just down the road. B-E-utiful!! Seriously incredible views and the best part was that we pracically had it to ourselves. We set up our gear and then our kiddos had the entire kiddie pool to themselves for most of the morning. Ahhh...so relaxing!! We did A LOT of swimming, took a lunch break, did a little more swimming and then headed back for naps. Oh, and a crazy 4-naked-two-year-olds show in the bathtub...they were OUT OF CONTROL!! Then we just relaxed, had a yummy lasagna dinner made by the Currys and relaxed some more. It was really a wonderful day! 

DAY 4 - July 6th
This morning started out a little less fun...sweet Oliver got sick :(. We didn't really want to go without him, but Kathy assurred us that she should stay and let him rest. That ended up being just what he needed, but we sure did miss them at the pool!! The rest of us headed over there and spent a little time, but got back earlier to check on the patient. While we were there, we spent most of the time in the big pool and Emmy was doing crazy cannonballs off the side! Fearless little kiddo. Poor Hayden had gotten a little too much sun the day before, so she had to swim in her t-shirt (reminded me of youth church trips!). Still fun, but not the same without our whole crew. We had planned to go out to dinner on our last night, so after naps we headed into town. It was nice, but we had to get home quickly for Kathy to take some shots of us on the beach. And of course, they were AMAZING!!! It gets it's own post for sure!! And the beach was so nice at night...calm, peaceful and just the perfect way to end our trip. Fond memories, people!