Since I'm SUCH a daddy's girl, I'm really good at spending lots of time with daddy in the evenings and going on little dates with him on Saturdays...usually donuts, Home Depot or McDonalds. Anyway, mommy was feeling a little left out of some one-on-one Emmy time, so yesterday we decided to do what girls do best...pedicures!!!

We both picked out our polishes...purple for me and pink for mommy. They brought us some water and we played with the back massager on the chair. Then I sat very patiently in mommy's lap as I watched them (VERY curiously) work on her feet. But the best part came next...MY turn! As you can see, they painted my tee-tiny toes a beautiful shade of purple. But then they asked if we wanted little flowers on our toes? Now, how was I supposed to say no to that!?!? So mommy and I both got little pink rhinestone flowers! I did get a tiny smudge one mine before mommy could even get a picture, but I'm sure you can imagine how cute I was anyway :o).

P.S. Thanks for spoiling us, daddy! We know you and Hayden had a fun time at home too and we missed y'all :o).