Saturday, May 02, 2009

He's Home!!!

Last week, our daddy had to go out of town ALL week. Now, we know some families do this all the time, but it was our first time (hopefully last) and it was hard!!! We're SOOO glad you are home, daddy!!!

Here we are giving him his letters for the week before he left...he had one letter from us to open each day he was gone (this is something he and mommy have done ever since they started dating). He loved them :o)

There were TONS of phone calls and voicemails, but it was pretty hard for Emerson (Hayden was a little oblivious)! Em is a TRUE daddy's girl and struggled with not getting to see him everyday. Here are some of the sweet things she said about her daddy while he was gone:

  • Monday) Mommy, I see daddy on that plane!! There he is on that plane!!!
  • (Tuesday morning) Mommy, I'm so sad because daddy didn't come over last night!
  • (Tuesday - after I explained he was no longer on the plane, but in Montana) Mommy, daddy's in Montana? I don't like daddy in Montana.
  • (Wednesday) I just REALLY want to see my daddy.
  • (Thursday) My daddy's in Montana but I still love him.
  • (Friday - when I asked her what she and daddy would do when he got home) We will kiss and hug and tickle and swing on my swing set and kiss and hug. It will be SO exciting!

And when he arrived home at midnight on Friday, he kept his promise to go in and wake her up to say he was home. She really didn't wake up, but he tried :o) It cracked me up how fast he ran upstairs to check on both of them (after mommy got her kiss, of course :o))

I think he missed us too!