(red bell peppers - yogurt - watermelon - strawberry applesauce - strawberries - tomatoes)
And sported some Very silly Valentine gear (thanks Karo!)
We made Very big hugs for our grandparents and mailed them off just in time for their Valentine Voyage.We sorted conVersation hearts by color…and deVoured a bunch after we were done :o).
Next, we learned a new Bible Verse…
John 15:17 - These things I command you, that you love one another.
Emmy was Victorious over daddy in their Valentine Heart game (eVen if he had to help a bit).
HaVing friends over is so Very fun…Gabby and her mommy came oVer to make Vibrant pink cupcakes one day!
Painting with sponges is Very messy :o).
We ate such aVast amount of yummy treats this week, we probably haVe sugar running through our Veins :o)
Hayden Kate and Emerson receiVed tons of loVey outfits (thanks Aunt Sarah) and we think they looked grooVy. Hayden Kate “loVes her daddy”, “her heart belongs to mommy”, and she’s “daddy’s sweetheart”. Plus she sent this Very cute tray that Em ate all her meals on :o).
Check out that pout :o)
Violet starts with V so we made our great-grandparents Valentine cards with Violet and red handprint hearts…we loVe you guys :o).
And after a Vote, we decided that our Very faVorite V-day activity was the special party hosted by Rachel and aVery. Their mommies proVided a Very fun day with super cute crafts and treats and fun with our friends.oVerall, our V week was Very Victoriously Valentine-y! But we were so busy that we ran out of time to do all the fun actiVities mommy had planned...there's always next year! And you still haVen't eVen seen how we celebrated with daddy yet...