...lots of fun things!!! Last week, we took a break from doing the 'letter of the week' and did all things "I spy"!
Our week was inspired by those wonderful "I spy" books that have been around forever. We've collected a few and Em loves looking at all the pictures. She's getting pretty good at "spying" the things I describe to her, but she's not ready to give clues herself...just points to what she is spying and says, "there it is, mommy!" Ha!

Since we were out of town on Monday, we just did our Muffin Tin on Tuesday instead :o). There was no theme for the week, so we just decided to hide a little something in each tin to "spy". Emmy picked mini-marshmallows to hide in the cups and got silly excited each time she found one :o).

We made "I spy" glasses and took turns "spying" all over the house...we've even "spied" a baby...who would have thought!?! She was so excited that I thought it would be fun to take them in the car and "spy" things driving down the road, but by the time we got home, our little lady had dismantled our poor "spy" glasses. Bummer!

We found lots of fun "I spy" games on the computer this week too:
- "I spy" BINGO - this one was kind of hard for Emmy b/c it was timed...maybe next year.
- "I spy" Shapes - find all the shapes!
- Make an "I spy" picture - this is her very own creation...

This was my favorite...our own "I spy" bottle. We gathered up lots of tiny things around the house, took pictures of them, put them in an empty water bottle with rice and attached the sheet of pictures so she'd know what she was "spying". Super fun! We practiced saying, "I spy with my little eye, a ___". She loved it :o). And guess what was her favorite item to "spy"!?! A mini marshmallow, of course.
***(Yep, that's duct tape, folks...this is what happens when you ask daddy to help :o). Can you "spy" the bouncy ball and letter "s"?)

Played LOTS of rounds of the original "I spy" game and wrote down what we "spied" on our Google-eye page :o).

And we ended the week/weekend starting to create our very own "I spy" book....still not quite done, but it's coming along. Em picked out several items from different rooms (kitchen, bathroom, playroom, her room) and we created our own I spy layout or each room. We took some pictures, and plan to print them out and make our own little book. So fun! Here's our "I spy kitchen" page.

Just realizing I did a bad job of capturing our week in pictures, but we sure did have fun "I spying" all week!