Wednesday, August 27, 2008


We tried out a new storytime today and it was a great success! Mommy and I usually go to the library for storytime, but found out that the new Borders Bookstore by our house does one on Wednesdays so we had to try it out. The storyteller read three "back to school" themed books which I LOVED and then we got to color pictures about what we learned. Mommy was so excited because we have been working really hard on our letters over the past few weeks and one of our books was about the ABCs so that's what I wanted to draw..."letter A, mommy. Down, down, across". And as we were driving away, I told mommy, "I love storytime yay!"

Listening intently to the story :o)

Writing my ABCs (and a choo choo train because the boy beside me was doing that too)