Friday, July 11, 2008

Tee tee in the Potty!!!

That's right!!! Yesterday, I went tee tee in the potty!!! And don't you worry...mommy is still dancing around the house singing our little song :o). She and daddy are SO proud of me!

So Wednesday was the first day we tackled potty training and it was, well, quite a day. The days leading up were really exciting as we talked about going tee tee on the potty, buying some new big girl panties, a new potty seat and lots of M&Ms for a treat. I really couldn't wait. So we cleared our schedule for the next several weeks and got down to business. Mommy knew it was going to be hard, but I think she underestimated just how hard it was going to be!

All ready!

When I got up on Wednesday, I tried the potty and got to put on some of my new Dora cool! Then all day long, mommy took me to the potty about every 30 minutes to let me practice. Here's how it went down...either I didn't make it quite the whole 30 minutes OR I would sit and try for about five minutes, get up and go almost immediately. Good thing for carpet cleaner :o). Most times, I would tell mommy, "poo poo panties" or "tee tee panties" but just a little too right AFTER I went. By the end of the day, it was starting to make me a little mad and I would cry or add an "uh oh" after I told her about the accident. Don't worry, she wasn't mad or anything, just picked me up and let me try again. So after a long day, TEN pair of wet panties and no successful attempts in the potty, we were both pretty tired. We prayed that God would bless our efforts the next day and guess what? He DID!
Here's how I keep myself busy while we wait...LOTS of reading!

Thursday was SO much better! God is so good! Mommy and I had prayed for her to have more patience (which God gave her) and for one successful attempt in the potty for me (which He gave me)! Although most of the day I still had several accidents, I was able to tell her before I did. We would run to the bathroom, sit and wait and then I'd have an accident after I got up. But, it was progress. And the best part came right after my nap. I woke up dry, mommy gave me a little snack and some water, we went right up to the potty and guess what? I went tee tee in the potty! It was AWESOME! I was totally shocked at first and kept looking down like, what was that? Mommy was over the top excited, jumping around, cheering for me, kissing me and then gave me two M&Ms. To me, that was the best part! Then we called daddy, Gigi and Gebo, Karo and Papa Rowe and Kennedy to spread my good news :o). They were all super proud of me! And we only had seven pairs of wet panties at the end of the day, so it's was getting better.

Here I am with my first tee tee in the potty!

And today was even better! Only 4 pairs of wet panties and THREE tee tees in the potty! Mommy and daddy really are SO proud of me. Today I was able to tell mommy that I needed to go potty before it happened, but couldn't always seem to go while we waited. So I still had a few accidents, but it was a ton better.

So we will continue to praise God in even the little successes! Mommy and I know for sure that God is helping us through this and we are enjoying all the quality time together. We know there is a long road ahead of us, but we are on our way!