Last week I learned that "you can take the teacher away from the teaching, but you can't take the teaching out of the teacher". Well, that and my mommy is seriously tired of not feeling well and feeling like a bad mommy. So...we took a trip to Mardel and found the most fun little teacher book for mommy and I to work through. Basically, it's a "theme curriculum" for kiddos my age that gives us a new and exciting thing to learn about each week for a whole year! This past week was our first..."Flower Week". We did all kinds of flower-y things like check out some flower books at the library, take a nature walk to pick flowers (and the dandelions in our yard), use those flowers for paintbrushes, colored flower pictures, took a field trip to the nursery to buy some flowers for mommy's baskets AND planted my very own flowers. AND we ended out the week with a trip to where else? The Arboretum! What a great FLOWER week.
Painting with the flowers from my nature walk

Our trip to the Arboretum...BEAUTIFUL!!!