Yesterday was Gigi's birthday! Mommy and I thought we'd help her celebrate so we went to Granbury to see her. It was wonderful! When we got to town, Gigi was still at work, so we spent a few hours visiting my Great-grandmother Carlisle at her retirement center. Everyone there just had a fit over me :o) Grandmother Carlisle was SO proud to show me off. And I put on a little show too...I have been practicing a TON with my own walk behind toys, so when Grandmother took a break and sat down, I grabbed her walker and away I went. It was HILAROUS. At least I think it was because everyone was dying laughing. Mommy is so sad we didn't have our camera with us! After our visit, we went to Gigi's school to pick her up. Of course, she had to show me off too :o) I got plenty of attention! We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out at Gigi's house and had a great birthday dinner when Granddaddy got home. I was having such a good time that I even got to stay up late :o) This morning I got to tell Gigi good-bye before she headed off to work. I love you Gigi! Happy Birthday!