Well, this weekend was my first weekend to go on a little trip with just daddy! We had the best daddy-daughter time! He did such a WONDERFUL job taking care of me and didn't even act annoyed when mommy called every other minute :o). See, mommy needed to spend this weekend working really hard, (she's trying to turn her little hobby into her own business, but more on that later...) and knew she'd just rather hang out with us if we were around. So, daddy and I packed up and headed down to Austin to Karo and Grandpa Rowe's boat. I was the perfect little traveler, had so much fun playing with everyone and loved getting so much attention from my daddy! We didn't get a ton of pictures, but it was a super fun weekend (even though I didn't seem to smile for any of the pics). Oh, and when we got back, mommy wouldn't let go of the two of us for like five minutes :o)

Me and my Aunt Gina :o)

Sweet time with Karo!
Driving with Grandpa Rowe!