Coming down the home stretch...only one more month until my birthday!!! I seriously can't believe it's getting so close! This month has been full on new experiences and lots of growing up. I am learning new things all the time and love to imitate my parents. Mommy says I'm really getting funny too...must be daddy's sense of humor :o) Here are some things I'm doing:
- I point to EVERYTHING!!!
- I love to give kisses
- started playing "uh-oh"...I throw everything down on the floor and say uh-oh (usually in a whisper), even my food :o)
- went to the Rodeo!!!
- became quite the sportster! I love to kick the ball and say "goal", slam the ball down into my basketball hoop and take a whack with my golf clubs.
- got to spend some good quality "daddy time" with daddy while mommy was at two different weekend conferences.
- went to the Zoo!
- I can find some body parts....nose, mouth and sometimes eyes and toes
- I'm very interested in the faces of my dolls/stuffed animals
- met my new friends, Zachary and Jonathon
- had a fun day out with my Karo and Grandpa Rowe
- moved into a Big Kid room in the nursery at church...I love my new workers!
- started spending some more time with my friends in the nursery while mommy goes to MOPS and Bible study at church
- spent a lot of time outside, feeding the ducks, swinging and watching kids play soccer at the park
- learned to turn light switches OFF (but not ON yet)
- daddy taught me how to "fake laugh" and it's hilarous! I do it to him all the time and it really cracks him up :o) Mommy even heard me doing it the other day in the car as trucks were passing by!
- I like to help mommy and daddy when the feed me with a spoon. I'm actually pretty good at it, but still need a little help aiming for my mouth
- threw my first real fit...and it was in public too, just to teach mommy a lesson :o) To my credit, she kept me out way past naptime and I had already been so patient. Bet she doesn't do that again...
- helped Kennedy celebrate her first birthday!
- my hair has started getting really curly in the back
- I've figured out mommy and daddy are in the front seat of the car and constantly try to turn around and get their attention
- went to my first football game
- started shaking my head "no-no"
- can stand by myself for about 10 seconds
- LOVE walking with my walk-behind toys. I even walk all the way to the mail box with mommy and daddy everyday (I'm still a little chicken when they let go of my hands, but I'm definitely getting closer to walking on my own)
- love chasing mommy and daddy and having them chase me too
- I love to dance...this involves rocking back and forth and waving my hand around. Daddy says my dancing is a little dorky like mommy's, but I don't care.
- not only do I love climbing UP the stairs (with supervision, of course) but I love to climb DOWN them as well (again, supervised)
- got sick :o(
- grew three TEETH and I love to brush them!!!
- I like to bite mommy's nose with my new teeth and laugh when I do!
- still love to read a LOT and I like to do turn the pages and lift the flaps all by myself
- I understand a lot of what mommy and daddy say: mommy, daddy, Tatum, bye-bye, bottle, ball, book, balloon, more, all done, goal, sit on your bottom (for bathtime), brush your teeth, where's the ___, come here, get the ___, where farmer Tad? (on my fridge farm), what does the puppy say?,
- all the words I'm saying: daddy - "dada", Tatum - "da-duh", stuffed puppy - "Day", ball - "baw-oh", balloon - "ba-oo", more - "ma", uh-oh!, bottle - "baboo", goal - "go", woof-woof (what a puppy says) - "oo oo", anything that excites me "oooh", anything I don't know a word for, I point to and say - "ba". Oh, and they think I'm saying "bob-uh" for mama :o)
- new foods I've started eating - baby yogurt, plums, broccoli, mac 'n cheese, goldfish, graham crackers