This weekend, we went to visit my daddy's family in Houston. It was such a fun weekend! We got there pretty late on Friday, so I just went to bed.
On Saturday morning, everyone started showing up at Karo and Grandfather's house: DeeDah and PawPaw, Gramma Rowe, Aunt Linda and daddy's cousin Laura. We had the best time visiting and I was so entertained by everyone there :o) I could tell they all really loved me! I'm SO glad they all came to visit - thanks everybody!
Sunday, we went to church (during which I took a nice nap) and then had lunch at a fun little pizza place before heading home. It was a great trip and I even did really well in the car. Mommy and daddy were a little nervous that it'd be too long for me to sit in my carseat, but I was a trooper! Just don't ask about the MAJOR blowout I had near Waco - you just can't imagine :o) Here are some of the highlights of the trip:

Here's a picture of Grandfather helping me write my very first book! It went something like this: "006B0020MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,GVVVVVVC"

Here's Karo showing me off!

Aunt Sarah and Laura loved playing with me! We read books, played with my toys and took lots of pictures.
Gramma Rowe cracked me up the most! I just couldn't tear my eyes away from her most of the day :o)
Here I am playing 'patty-cake' with PawPaw! He also let me 'Ride a little pony...' on his leg and that was really fun!

Here I am with DeeDah - she was so good at loving on me :o)
Here I am with Aunt Linda and Laura. They are SO sweet - they gave me a ton of new books and some rubber duckies for the bath!
Me and the girls - I feel SO big!

Daddy being silly!