Sunday, February 11th, 2007 was a VERY special day for me. It was my dedication at church! That means that my mommy and daddy promised to teach me all about Jesus , keep me involved in the church, and raise me to be a young woman dedicated to growing the Kingdom of Heaven! Talk about a wonderful day! Not only did mommy and daddy make these promises, but lots of my other family were there to support them in doing so - my Gigi and Granddaddy Carlisle, my Karo and Grandfather Rowe, my Aunt Sarah, Uncle Brad, Aunt Traci and Uncle Jim, Aunt Stacy and Uncle Monty and even Mayce and Bryce. Plus, mommy and daddy's friends from church were all there too - it was a big crowd! Even my family that weren't able to make it were all praying for me that day. I feel so very blessed!
Me and my mommy and daddy stood in front of the entire church (which, by the way, was pretty overwhelming) and Pastor Gary introduced me to everyone there. I got big cheers from the student section because those are the kids that mommy and daddy used to teach in Sunday School. And of course my family all oohed and aahed over me too :o) Then, Pastor Gary talked to mommy and daddy about how special I am because Jesus loves me! I loved hearing that part. He said that the reason mommy and daddy were there to dedicate me was that they recognize the purpose for which I was created, formed and fashioned and dedicate me to the purpose of glorifying the living God! Then, he prayed for me.
This is the sweet prayer that Pastor Gary prayed over me:
"Lord, thank you for Emerson. Thank you for loving her. Thank you for knowing her before she was ever even in her mother's womb. Thank you just planning out such an incredible, adventure-filled journey for her life. Lord, I look forward to seeing all the ways that You are going to use her to bring others to glorify Your name. Now Lord, we dedicate her to You. And Lord, we dedicate ourselves as a church, and Lord, Scott and Jessica dedicate themselves as mom and dad to raise her in Your instruction and Your teachings. In Jesus' name, Amen."
I loved my Dedication Day and I'm so excited to learn more about Jesus and spend more time at church! Thank you to everyone who blessed me that day!

Pastor Gary praying over me
Mommy and daddy praying for me
Here I am in the pretty "Dedication day" dress that Gigi bought me :o)
And here I am playing with the BEAUTIFUL quilt that Meme (Gigi's mommy) made me for this special day. She sewed it all by hand and used parts of Gigi's and mommy's wedding dresses to make it special just for me. What a wondeful gift! Thank you Meme!