On Sunday night, Scott and Emmy and I attended the first annual Cornerstone Thanksmas party! Cornerstone is the name of our Sunday School class and "Thanksmas" was our solution to getting together for both Thanksgiving and Christmas celebrations during this busy time of year! We had a wonderful time eating, fellowshipping and gift-giving with our dear friends. God has truly used our church and specifically the people in this class to richly bless our lives and we are SO thankful! Since we have been at The Heights, our class has multiplied and grown two or three times, but we've been able to stick with a lot of the same couples we began with (then we were called the Just Marrieds class). We cherish our memories with the couples in this class and can't wait to see what amazing things God can accomplish through this group!
This is a picture of our Small Group within the class - simply some of the most incredible people we know! It's been so amazing to watch as God has brought this "family" (as we like to call it) together and has taught us SO much this year! We love you guys and look forward to the rest of the year.

And here is the whole gang! As you can see, lots a babies are starting to pop up in the group and there are a ton more on the way. What a blessing! (For those grandparents looking for Emmy, she didn't make the picture this time - sleeping sounded better to her).