That's right. I've reached the ripe ole age of one month and boy, it has just flown by. In all my days, I've learned a lot of things. Things like: Daddy can't make food like Mommy does, my hairy sister (Tatum) doesn't like it when I cry, Grandmas like to spoil me and Grandpas like to hold me, riding in the car makes me sleepy, I can make Mommy and Daddy laugh just by "fluffing" in my pants, Mommy likes to play "dress up" with me (notice the ridiculously large bow on my head), bathtime isn't that bad after all, I'm already a champion shopper, smiling makes everyone around me melt, I like to play with my toys and most of all these people REALLY love me!!!
I'll keep you posted on how month two goes! I can't imagine there's too much more to learn, right?