Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Daddy's day off!

We LOVE when daddy gets the day off!  So thank you, Presidents Day, for allowing us to hang out with our daddy today.  (And for the little history lesson I just read about your origin on Wikipedia.  Ha!!).

First up, we got to celebrate our buddy, Pierce's, birthday at his Dino-FOUR party!!  It was PRECIOUS and we all had so much fun!  Happy Birthday Pierce!

Next, we had planned on going to the zoo.  But when we told the girls about our plan, they requested that we go back to the aquarium instead.  Seems it was still fresh on their minds from a few weeks ago and they were both really excited to show daddy all they had done there.  So off we went.  And it was SUCH a wonderful day!!  In fact, it was even better than our first trip! I loved watching them show daddy all their favorites and loved watching & hearing their conversations. It's just so much more fun with daddy! He knew all these random facts and just made it all so exciting. Plus it was such a gorgeous fun day for sure!