Saturday, September 04, 2010

Lots of Rowes on Labor Day!!!

We were off to Houston for Labor Day with the Rowes...a LOT of them!  Besides getting to see Karo & Kbob, we got to spend time with Aunt Gina, Uncle Greg, Ava, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Brad, Gramma Rowe & DeeDah and PawPaw!  Talk about a TON of fun!!  And we were super busy too, so here is a look at the highlights...

Everyone played together while Gramma Rowe was in town!

Karo took us on a trip to the Candyshop!

We modeled our matching dresses made by Karo

We had fun in the hammock

We played, played, played

We drove over to DeeDah & PawPaw's house for a wonderful lunch and more playing!

Whew!!  It was a whirdwind and it was FUN!!  Now we gotta take a nap ;).