It's really unbelievable to Scott and I just how tech-savvy Emerson is at her young age!! She can EASILY navigate my iPhone, so I have downloaded a whole page of kid-friendly apps (flashcards, phonics, Bible stories, sticker pages, dress-up games) for her and she just flips through them with ease. But her favorite thing to find is her daddy's picture in the photo album ;).

Like father, like daughter ;)
Of course...sometimes mama needs her phone, so we got her a "My First Leap Pad". She loves it and it really seems like a great option for road trips! And I'm pretty sure she figured it out faster than I did. So sad. It's weird to think that my kiddos will never know a world without internet, without landline phones, without cell phones, etc.
Here she is showing dad how it works. She loved showing it off and did NOT want his help. It was so funny!