"...how you say it, mommy?"
"Ohh...ja-nas-tics!! I have fun at ja-nas-tics!!"
So our sweet friends, Meredith and Reid, told us about their awesome gymnastics class and invited us to come along last week. So we tried it out and I was so impressed with this place! The instructor was awesome and Em seriously learned so much in just one class. I was so excited for her! At the end of class, the instructor mentioned that we might try the 3-year-old class next time to see if it might work since she (and Kennedy) were several months older that the other kiddos in the group. Cool for Em, but even more cool for mommy. See, the 2-year-old class involves mommy participation and as much as I enjoyed helping her, you can imagine that it's a tad difficult to help your kiddo when you also have a 7-month old in tow. But the 3-year-old class is independent so the mommies just sit in the stands and watch. I was SO hopeful that she would do well. And she really did...given it was her first time alone. Her "Coach Chris" did have to redirect her several times, but I think she'll get the hang of it in a few weeks. He said she did great for her first time :o). I was just so proud and excited for her...she followed (most of the) directions, worked really hard, hung in there with the big 3-year-olds (though she looked tiny) and just acted so big (*sniff sniff*). Oh, and I totally can't wait to get her some cute little leotards :o).
Sitting and listening...good job!

Level on the balance beam.

Hands up, hands down, tuck your head, down down down!

Now down the slide.

Jumping over the rope.

Favorite part...foam pit!!

What a cute cheering section :o)