Friday, February 06, 2009

Y Week!

Y is for...Yellow, Yams, Yogurt, Yell, Yay, Yarn, Yolk...and these are just some of the Y things we learned about this week!

Y week was inspired by our Yellow Monday Muffin Tin.

We made a Y collage to get our week going (but by the time mommy took a pic, I had taken all the fun Yellow things off :o)).

Made egg Yolk paintings.

And EnjoYed some computer time:
Starfall Letter Y

Created a Yellow schoolbus.

We went on a Yellow hunt.

Made "Book Cooks" Yummy Yams.

And a few we forgot to take pictures of...threaded frogs with Yarn, ate Yogurt, Yelled Yay so loud (only when Hayden was awake) and squished Yellow play-doh.

YaY for Y week!!!

P.S. Sorry for no pics of the Younger Sister...she's usually napping when we're learning :o)