...there's a new cook in town!
Check out my new big girl kitchen!!! After Santa left me with my fun grocery cart, groceries and dishes, mommy and daddy could tell that I LOVED this stuff and decided I might just need a kitchen. So thanks to our little Craigslist bargain, I've got a awesome new kitchen. I love to load and unload all the drawers, hide things in the fridge and oven and push all the beeping buttons. I can even make the stove sizzle when I really get going! We put my kitchen in our breakfast nook so that I can cook and put my groceries away while mommy is busy doing the same in her kitchen. I just think she's a little jealous because mommy keeps joking that my kitchen is nicer than hers with my stainless steel appliances and everything :o)!
How fun is this!?!
Check out my new big girl kitchen!!! After Santa left me with my fun grocery cart, groceries and dishes, mommy and daddy could tell that I LOVED this stuff and decided I might just need a kitchen. So thanks to our little Craigslist bargain, I've got a awesome new kitchen. I love to load and unload all the drawers, hide things in the fridge and oven and push all the beeping buttons. I can even make the stove sizzle when I really get going! We put my kitchen in our breakfast nook so that I can cook and put my groceries away while mommy is busy doing the same in her kitchen. I just think she's a little jealous because mommy keeps joking that my kitchen is nicer than hers with my stainless steel appliances and everything :o)!
How fun is this!?!
My new kitchen!
Who wants a brownie?
Daddy, were you trying to hide my banana in here again?
Look what I found..."nana"! My favorite!
Gotta put my groceries away.
Taking a break to answer the phone..."eeh-ooo?"
Gotta get my utensils out. Oh by the way, mommy has some crazy fascination with my "mini" utensils...she always wants to play with them. Weird.
Fine, here you go mommy. Now leave my stuff alone!
Wonder what's in here?
Dinner's done!