What a GLORIOUS day! Today was my first trip to the Arboretum and it is now one of my favorite places! After a somewhat adventurous trip getting there, including daddy having to change the tire on his truck AND my stroller, we finally made it. Mommy and daddy and I saw all kinds of beautiful things that God has created - there were tons of flowers, big tall trees, even tiny little ponds with huge fishies. I really had the BEST time! I especially loved the bright green grass. You see, at my house the grass is brown - something about water restrictions or something. Anyway, here I am admiring (and trying to eat) the green grass!

We had picnic lunch and then headed off to explore. Here are some pictures of me admiring (and eating, of course) some of the gorgeous flowers:

Here I am playing around with mommy and daddy:
After all the fun we were having, both daddy and I crashed and burned - we were just worn out! So, mommy enjoyed some sun while we took a little nap:

Back awake, we were all ready to hit the trails. Some nice people offered to take a family picture of us, but I was feeling a little too cool for them :o)

Right before we headed home, we found the cutest little place for me to pose - I'm a little butterfly!